struck aerospace engineering podcast

EP5 – High Tech Composite Parts, Hondajet Robotic Painting and Metal Foils

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Struck: An Aerospace Engineering Podcast - Episode Details

Struck Podcast Allen Hall high-tech aerospace parts manufacturers

In this episode of Struck we discuss some of the unique parts manufacturers and what they’re doing in the aerospace industry. Kanfit–who makes unique composite and metal parts–can create in-house what it often takes multiple parts suppliers to make. We also discuss Niles expanded metal foils and how they protect aircraft; lastly, we discussed Hondajet’s unique and game-changing robotic painting system and why it makes a big difference in lightning protection.

Learn more about Weather Guard StrikeTape segmented lightning diverter strips. Follow the show on YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin and visit us on the web. Have a question we can answer on the show? Email us!

Check out the companies we discuss during this podcast:

Kanfit –

Niles –

Hondajet –

5:48 Kanfit capabilities
9:58 The difficulties of entering the aerospace market
14:03 How Kanfit builds efficient parts with composite and metal technologies
16:10 Niles expanded metal foils
18:44 Copper and aluminum expanded metal foils on composite parts
21:48 Hondajet painting
23:55 Why Hondajet’s robotic painting is genius
30:10 Problems with Boeing 787 paint adhesion on the wing


EP5 High Tech Composite Parts, Hondajet Robotic Painting and Metal Foils

00:00:08 – 00:05:01

Welcome back this is episode five of the struck podcast. I’m your co-host. Dan Blewett and I’m joined here remotely by lightning protection expert. Allen Hall. Allen, How are you. Great Dan how you doing? I’m doing well here on the struck podcast. We talk about everything. Lightning aviation and just current news in the airspace field. So Allen what is going on today in aviation. What do you got any news for us? Well everything is not flying. That’s the news today. So planes are just buses. So Airbus’s are literal buses. Right there literally buses or their cargo. Airplanes are seeing a lot of conversions happening making passenger planes cargo planes. Which is the thing to do. FedEx is really busy. There’s a think of New York Times article talking about how busy FedEx is and We’re on pretty much every FedEx aircraft with our straight product and when you have seen them flying a lot because everybody’s things off Amazon and checks is one way to do. That was until recently you know FedEx an Amazon had a parting of the ways there. But there’s still a lot of things being mailed around Because you know you stuck at home. So there’s a lot of cargo business going on in that at least keeping some portion of the airplanes flying which is beneficial. Yeah and in my apartment building here in DC. They’ve and God bless all the people that are doing a lot of these tasks like concierge desk and they go get your packages from them and they. They’re twenty-four seven which is nice compared to some buildings but yeah they said like hey please come down and get your packages quick when they come because we have way more packages than even like the table Christmas season. Whoa yeah. I mean so when you’re you know I’m a pretty good-sized building and when you consider yeah just the people are trying to order literally everything and not leave their house which is good in the pandemic but it’s not good for the people who have to handle all these packages and right now. We have to come down. Sign for like you know. That’s fine for me. I interact with one person one time. But they’re interacting with every every every day. Yeah so all of us have just been obviously trying to abide by whatever rules. They said and give them their distance and take their packaging and be about our way. But you know there’s a lot of people doing those jobs you know whether it’s your postal worker. You’re package delivery man or woman. You’re in all these things grocery workers like there’s a lot of essential jobs that are just you know. I appreciate everyone. Continue to do those. That’s putting them at risk and huge to kind of keep everything going. Yeah why no. Here got chilled. There’s a little bit of a tussle on a local town where the post office stopped delivering to the particular apartment complex because it had the possibility of Coronavirus from one of the renters there until they stopped delivering to that to that place Because the postal workers were really concerned about Just the interactions with the people there and even just handling packages so you can kind of see that. I’m not sure how that all played out. I know that just been some news articles about it but yeah you can see both sides of it though because obviously there are people on the in the apartment complex which have been fine had been sequestered for four weeks now and clearly not At-risk but as a postal worker you never really sure. Don’t run across hundreds of people a day. I’m sure yeah. Yeah especially if you’re older you now I’m not going. They’re like no. I don’t WanNa Diet like it’s a reasonable stance to take so. Yeah it’s ardent as I was listening to another podcast weekend and it was by this entrepreneur and his co-host has also been in tech. And he’s like you know what though he’s like I haven’t opened a piece of my male and he said in ten years he’s in ten years. I’m like what’s any got questioned by co-hosts and he’s like he’s like yeah he’s like. I just don’t have important male. He’s like the male the physical mail that I get and it’s been this wavy said for a long time. It just doesn’t have any value to me. He’s like I’m in business-like things that are valuable are Docu. You signed electronically their email there to message. He’s like I just haven’t gotten important mail in a really long time unless he was not including packages. Obviously Okay Okay. Your paper mail letter. Yeah Paper Mail that fits in your mailbox. He’s like I just don’t get the postal. The Postal Service right now. He said to me like if they don’t want delivered to my house. That’s okay I’m fine with that is just. It’s not essential to me packages separate issue episode right. Wasn’t this fine. Fill where Kramer decided? He didn’t want to have any male anymore. Too much to deal with and you tell post office started liver isn’t it wasn’t that Seinfield. I don’t remember it but that that sounds like a luminous post Minnie’s keystone. No you have to take the male you have to take the male and Kramer put Vinci puts bricks in his mailbox.

00:05:02 – 00:10:03

Couldn’t deliver the mail and tussle back and forth. It sounds very similar to that Kramer or with With what was just Newman Newman? Yeah that’s that. Sounds like a golden episode. I gotTA look that up. That’s the goal. Yeah how appropriate. That Seinfeld applies directly to life. Yeah I I yeah. I can just picture those two bickering. I don’t want the yeah. You could write for that shows exactly. That’s exactly I went. Actually I said today. We’re talking about Parts Manufacturers a little bit and we’re GonNa talk about yeah Which we’ve covered both those in just like on the surface in previous episodes but so one company that is pretty interesting stuff out of Israel Canvas so they on their website a bunch of the day doing a lot of research for the show and yeah it seems like they have a unique niche where they can make really high quality metal parts. They can also make high quality composite parts. Yes also seems like their specialties. That they can also make really high quality metal and composite parts whereas other For other I guess suppliers you might have to go to composites person. Anna metal person kind of combine them like it’s true them together but they can kinda threw it all in house and get a unique part so tell us a little more about about can fit. Well can’t fit is based in Israel and Forget how long did around? But they’re well established company and they they’re involved in a variety of different aerospace markets From making parts for aircraft to Making drones they make Ray Tomes So they’re they’re involved in a lot of different areas but there it’s one of those unique businesses in places where they have basically skilled aerospace workers. They can do the gamut and that’s unique today. I’ll give you the example In the states in the United States tend to be either you make composite parts because your hip and cool or make metal parts because it makes money and so rarely do the two shall meet So it’s a different skill set clearly. It’s a different skill set so you you have to have a pretty highly educated workforce to do that composite parts take a lot of Layer layers of material. You’re putting on your dealing with the policies resin systems. It’s complicated you. Have you have an autoclave in there. checking temperatures and that kind of stuff. The metalwork I think is just as important though even though we just because we’ve we’ve done it for a number of years now making metal parts has gotten easier and a sense but to no less critical so having a company that can actually make both ends of that is in today’s world really unique And I I don’t know if it’s just a fact that that they’re in a smaller country and they just need to be very versatile and that’s what drives it also could drive just because of the The skilled labor labor forced to go ahead and do that But we’ve been working with them for a for a number of years and The things we see come from there are exceptional. They really are so you look at some. I was listening to a Jeff bezos interview Sometime last week in hitter really insightful. Thing to say he was talking about His company blue origin and in the context of You Know Elon. Musk’s company SPACEX and he was being and this was the tall from I think two thousand eighteen but he was explaining why he’s putting his money into that and he basically said that when Amazon started he was able to start that company with a million dollars in his garage because there was already this massive infrastructure already existing for him to tap into which was and ups. Yeah All these You know the Internet was still young but the Internet existed. I had this huge backbone which with which I could just sort of voice my company and and become this big company right you said but With space he said. No one can use other companies reverence. He’s like no one’s making iphone in the garage. He’s like the technology. You just can’t do that. It’s it’s choirs too. Many people who are highly skilled to make a product like that. Yeah he said and he said the same thing for he’s like no one is going to space or making improvements on going into space From the garage. So he said I find that it’s my my contribution to allay some of that groundwork and make that foundation in space travel where maybe in you know X. amount of years twenty thirty years someone can take a small company Using what we’ve started and then grow into a big company that really furthers. The you know the human race in our space space exploration so those really interesting and I I was thinking about those looking at some of you know camp. It’s manufacturing and as you look at some of these parts.

00:10:03 – 00:15:03

And some of these aerospace initiatives and effort endeavors thinking to myself like man. This is really technical. Work and looking all they’re Their manufacturing and all the research and development of like how a person try to get into aerospace or parts manufacturing. It seems like it’s a really high cost to just be like. Hey I’ve been an engineer my whole career. I want to start my own yards my composite. It seems like there’s a lot of big barriers I mean. Can you speak to them? You how to some of the oil huge airline companies. Get going you need a lot of cash and you need. You need to have a customer. That’s willing to to work with you as you put this thing together right. Virgin Airways was another example. There’s a lot of like airlines and aerospace companies Sierra Nevada corporations and other when it comes to mind so there’s there’s a bunch of companies that have kind of quasi garage built out But it’s hard because you just always need more and more cash to get to the next project and in a sense. It’s almost to the point where we think about if a similar wife and I were talking about this today about how how. Few Aerospace companies are already even from when we first joined. I joined we were working for General Electric and General. Electric had aerospace division while he don’t have an aerospace and they sold it to at the time Lockheed who then merged with Martin so became Lockheed Martin and that was in a room about three years and all that happen and the consolidation that consolidation because all the projects. We’re working on space craft projects at the time that those spaceguard project cost so much money in if he had a bad laundry. Didn’t get into orbit. It’s it’s so much money you couldn’t as a as a small ones ation. You couldn’t really afford it to go wrong Jeff Bezos Elon. Musk Those kinds of financial wherewithal. A Bill Gates Paul Allen those kinds of people can’t afford the risk and could lose the money and still go out to dinner night. Yeah there’s a difference right and and it’s it’s so if you think about the you’re celebrating. The was the fiftieth anniversary of celebration. I suppose of the Apollo Thirteen Launch and the promise he had an apollo thirteen. And if you go if you kinda thumb through some of that information like wow this really rudimentary compared if we’re building same exact thing today and we are trying to build basically similar things today. It’s it’s we’re spending so much more money on it so much more complicated than some of the stuff building way back then but it’s also a lot safer. Which is the point right? So even though the process is the same we have added a lot more capabilities like The SPACEX launches were there landing vertically. Ride there’d be able to reuse a lot of the equipment and which was an overall cost savings but the complexity and the risk involved with that could that could have not worked and if it didn’t work MO- Elon. Musk who’s at risk but he’s not at that much risk. You know innocent because of all the money. Yeah so yeah so if the rocket and it did right moving if you remember some of the early rocket launch landings why would just tip over or the China landed on that barge out in the ocean and it wouldn’t quite do it or too windy or all the things that play into that You need big companies with the ability to swallow it and even Boeing is really struggling similarly slots things lately ’cause the PR wise. An publicly traded company. It’s hard to have big mishaps right and so I I do see that sort of thing makes sense sense if if One of his little experiments goes wrong. Okay you know it sits on him. Yeah one as you start to wade through. What campuses that? They are one of the very few people that can make really good quality data Composite and metal parts. Yeah true you can probably see why if you’re you know you’re in the middle part industry and that’s your niche and you say okay we. WanNa get composites. There’s probably just a really started cost to them all that tooling and play and yeah it’s an to have people that know how to do it and you’ve got to find a whole. It seems like that’s training little their little their little niches. And Yeah. Oh yeah everybody on the on the. Who’s actually working in the factory? There has expertise and it’s hard to find. People have both expertise in sort of mental and on and on the composite site and on the engineering side year. It’s it’s the beach starship black aluminum airplane thing. That happens where we make a decision that everything’s going to be made out of composite and horse giving meet on a metal.

00:15:03 – 00:20:08

You know the reality of the situation is the best solution is a combination of the two. Which is were can’t fit is that you can make metal parts. Because they’re the way they’re they’re just lighter can be lighter than carbon fibers. Heavy Right Karn fabric and you can put you can orient or the strength is in a piece of composite. You know in a piece of metal. You can’t really do that. So every part and pending on why the structural loads are and what you’re using a for a design decisions be made whether it should be made out of metal should be made out of composite in a place. I can’t fit. You can make the decision time. She can do both right so you probably have the best overall solution when you put all these pieces together. You probably have the best product of raw because you made off those made those trade offs you even have to do one or the other from the start. You could make the best decision for the part for the assembly for the whole Aircraft Upfront which is GONNA lead to a better product. Yeah that makes sense. Let’s shift gears. I WanNa talk a little bit about We talked about Expanded Metal Mesh. Yeah last week. So there’s another company Niles expanded medals. They’re player in the industry with their Micro Mesh L. S. So what are some of the applications of metal foil boy in the aerospace industry? It’s all over right now because somebody parts of may not have either fiberglass or carbon fiber or mixture of the two And the everything needs lightning protection for the most part and the choice that has been Developed over the years experimental foils Just because they’re relatively safe install. They had a lot of connectivity. To part they also Are Readily fixable It’s a simple material to use. It can be bought it on secondary leaking bonded on prime with the primary part suck integral so there’s a lot of benefits to experimental foils and we have shuttles and udalls and we have data from experimental foils From lightning protection standpoint others book data out there on IT Which helps designers Choose and expand on metal so the obviously and wind turbines. It’s a little bit different. It’s not typically used on the exterior of a wind turbine but his tend to be used on the interior especially where there’s carbon fibre spars. So THEY WANNA keep energy out of the carbon fiber So they use experimental foils to do that. So the energy loudly energy stays in the in the experimental foil and out of the carbon-fiber structure so they’re truly two different application but both both just very important for for both markets And and the thing about the expand. Metaphor market in the aerospace side is really the quality of the product the consistency of the product. Right Some of your worst nightmares. If if the if the material comes in Kingston it doesn’t lay lay flat so you can actually see and the on. The aircraft surfaces is not laying right Or if it’s got some wide variability in its resistance range because the resistance has a lot to do with this lightning strike protection. So if you’ve and goodness knows why. I’ve got wrapped into this one time but we were actually measuring different. Lots the resistance of expand metal foils From different lots surprise. How much variability. There wasn’t it had to do a lot with the manufacturing of the place that was manufacturing it quite honestly so in a place like Niles. Which if you go on. The website are actually looking at similar youtube videos from them. It’s very automated process and they seem to have very consistent Products in the off and also for a variety of different materials. You can choose from On the website so the two big ones in aerospace today or copper which is used a lot with carbon fiber and aluminum which used it a lot. Because it’s it’s lighter. Aluminum gets used with fiberglass Aluminum Carbon these are these laid on top or they embedded within Well the late on top so think of it as another structural thinking I was apply. So it’s usually if you’re building up a composite part it’s usually the foils tend to be the first play down and then you start stacking. Carbon-fiber applies on top of it That’s generally how it goes So it’s actually built in when they put the partly autoclave in the cookout off. The foil is actually built into the exterior surface of the choice. The outermost layer of the part of it that way. Gotcha okay yes so from a handling standpoint and the experimental is beautiful because it’ll go too crazy contours and not kink or you. Can you can kind of lay it out where it’s flat Solid sheet wouldn’t do that. So having the the holes in it allows one allows the Pasha Resin to to to fill it up into grab hold of it and bond on but also as it lay flat which is really important going over some like a faring. A belly fairing on an airplane tend to be very funky curvatures for amick reasons Yeah a lot of parts like that where you WanNa have curvatures.

00:20:08 – 00:25:05

The experimental fit that Niche. Where you can lay it down. It’s pretty thin. You can kind of massage apart and when it’s done it still looks good yeah And then you know the the the difference between The copper aluminum. Aluminum is really incompatible with carbon fiber. So if you have put aluminum on carbon-fiber structure and exposed it to saltwater like typically happens The aluminum just gets eaten up by the carbon fiber aluminum just turns to powder. That’s what it looks. So copper is is the choice with carbon fiber and then obviously aluminum. That gets us a lot of times. WITH FIBERGLASS BUT Niles offers both of those things and in different variations different thicknesses different essentially resistance. And you can actually punch a numbers on the website and get kind of anything you want out of it There are some very common waits around different aircraft programs. That are kind of dialed in. And that’s based on the lightning testing. So if you go on different websites and check out some of the generic lightning testing that has been done. You can get a sense of of The thickness of the fall. It’s usually by weight Point two pounds per square foot is a very typical Copper foil that use a lot of different craft it around their point. Oh Two oh two two. Oh two four Aluminum not so. I don’t see that as much because you’re making a lot of fiberglass parts today but the copper tends to be roughly that way so You’ll you’ll see that on this website. Gotcha an end up being painted parts. Because I want to segment to Some of Honda jets doing so yup. What is Hanta jet doing? That’s different than other companies as far as paint and their controls in their quality With with paining their aircraft so the Honda jet is a carbon fiber fuselage’s aircraft the wing as metallic And on the fuselage or using expanded metal foil It’s a believe it’s copper worked on that program but I believe it’s copper And so when you have smaller private jets sort of part twenty. Three light jets call them the structure the composite structure a thick. It’s not like seventy eighty seven. Words is a quarter inch thick. It’s much much thinner than that. So the The lady protection is really critical and in the Honda case where they’re using experimental foil. One of the critical factors is how much paint you. Apply on top of that foil. So part of the lightning qualification process is to go off into test that carbon-fiber part with The copper foil with a certain amount of pain on issues a worst-case paint because as you get thicker and paint the experimental foil becomes less effective in you. Start TO HAVE PUNCTURES. Or damage into the carbon-fiber structure so in the Honda case It’s it’s a very aerodynamic. Aircraft is at a very advanced aircraft and he did a lot of honing on reducing weight in aircraft to make it efficient and it’s one of the most efficient light jess on the market may be the most efficient light jet on the market right now and so they’re they’re having a lot of sales because it because it just doesn’t have the fuel. Bernard of aircraft do And so part of that deal is that you have to be able to control the paint thickness now. Hana early on and a lot of aircraft companies Started out by just having painters hand guys in masks and the whole thing with Sprayers spray paint on it and try to keep it within that that certain thickness range so typically an aircraft Specs will say that the paint. This is somewhere around. Five Mil sticks five thousand seven. It’s thick is where the paint is. But that’s hard to do on a large object papers contras on it so the paint thickness various a good bit And I’ve worked on programs like that and composite programs were paint. Thickness was you know. Plus or minus three four mills depends mostly plus very little in the minus side plus four minus one So in the case of Honda and they’re having so much expertise on Building cars and painting of cars for that matter and have done it for a number of years have used robots to do it and so they decided on ought to take the technology from the automotive sector which they are great at and apply some of that knowledge into the aircraft market and they started Painting aircraft with robots and. It was brilliant. And there’s a youtube video of it now and you can just go watch this process happen but essentially putting on the the white topcoat paint which is usually the problem child.

00:25:05 – 00:30:02

Is that white topcoat trying to paint thickness well? They can get very very consistent peak thicknesses because they’re doing it automatically it which is brilliant right so not only can they have a very lightweight structure and they’re using very advanced experimental fault for lightning protection but they can also the other thing which is to control the painting. That’s coming out of the factory. That’s genius right. And that’s where a lot of other aircraft programs have struggled quite honestly is controlling paint thickness because as employs coming in and out and is is is Techniques Change and one guy. Does it one way and another painter paints at the other way? you get wide variations and it just adds a lot of labor and time in costs into the product haunted just eliminated that they eliminated. Oliver Ability and they’ve done bodily. That is absolute genius and the aerospace industry should have done it years and years ago The military has done it on some of their Applications the US military has done some application. I believe some of the European forces have done something similar. But you don’t really it in commercial market. Honda’s done it and it’s it’s amazing to watch. You should go watch that youtube video because it’s amazing to see that go on. Yeah and it’s we’ll put that in the show notes as well great but I mean I think. The auto industry’s been Robotically painting cars at least least some manufacturers are. I’m sure have seen videos of like. I know Saudi. They’re just showing how much automation. Start to finish. As the entire chassis getting picked up by two robots dipped young GAL galvanized or whatever. The process was coming out. And I think they’re actually painting out of there if not the whole thing but right yeah. It seemed like those processes which which makes sense especially on that scale. Yeah now I know with like A. You know a Boeing. Seven hundred seven or something. They’re not going to produce forty thousand of them so maybe they’re like well not in a year. No hand paint them. Yeah but yeah yeah well. Yeah because there’s a lot of there’s a lot of real estate there too and every yeah the the issue for and I think for Honda has been very specific about The variations in the paint scheme You can get different colors. But the paint scheme essentially the same the stripes which tend to be where everybody puts their mark on their particular aircraft on mobiles. You don’t do that right so they come. Red Yellow Blue Right there. One caller in any kind of any kind of Variation is something done secondarily. It’s not done at the factory. Typically Right And so that makes it easy from automation standpoint. Honda did that on the aircraft. Right they said. Hey here’s this. Here’s the brought the colors you can choose from pick one and I was like well. Obviously Honda knows consumer tastes in automotive side so they just especially in the sports car side so they apply that knowledge directly to their aircraft too. So our start their color choices were very Very wise because it fed into a certain demographic and it it. It was cool looking. And they still looking. I mean cool always cells. It’s like the coolest airplane. No no no I want the. I want the airplane that looks like a DC3’s equivalent of like the white nurse’s shoes it’s like no you want the the Italian loafers of the aircraft or has done that because if you look at the design of it right where they’ve the Hana jet where they’ve taken the the engines off of the fuselage mounted them to the back of the wing essentially It’s a slick looking airplane. It’s very slippery right. They’ve done a lot of work on. The AMEX has been a lot of time many years working on the other now so that aircraft And it just looks cool on the ramp and having been inside and been around quite a bit. It’s a cool can airplane. I can’t say all new jets looked like that but they’ve definitely did some homework on just the I. The discredit street appeal of that aircraft. It looks cool. It does the cool. It’s really cool in-flight especially for someone who’s got very deep pockets. Who COULD AFFORD? A private jet. Yeah they’re going to be like what’s that one. I want that in zero down their credit card. Like you know whatever the cost on to comes to the reputation right so Honda has the quality reputation. I can’t remember the last time I bought a non Honda car. It’s probably been twenty plus years since about not non Honda car. And the reason I do. It is because it’s so dang reliable and it has it has some of the features. I’m looking for but most importantly it’s never and we’ve owned a couple of Honda’s over this twenty year period. We’ve never had a Honda breakdown on us on the road. Not once and so. That builds brand loyalty right. I think the same thing’s GonNa Exist. Aircraft Company is that as aircraft shows. How Gerbil is and it has some really great performance features.

00:30:02 – 00:35:01

It’s just going to create a bigger marketplace for it absolutely. Yeah I could definitely see that and so before you wrap up here. There’s one of the things I discuss. Which is there’s been some paint peeling issues on the Boeing. Seven hundred seven. Yeah and some implications with With Fall Arrest Protection System so tell us a little bit about that. So they put on a safety notice essentially about a week ago On the seventy seven and you’re working on top of the wing. They have these suction cups and they have a lot of different. Aircraft is not specific to the seventy seven. But you have these vicinity Suction Cup devices you Suction Cup onto the wing you clip into it. So your harnessed insufficient slipped you’d catch and you wouldn’t fall to the ground cause a wings pretty high You will get hurt if you fell off that wing. So they had this Suction Cup device. They were grabbing onto latch unlatch their harnessing into and the Suction Cup Devices. Were pulling the paint off the wing skin right. So that’s the so they arrest the the fall prevention device isn’t sticking to the wing and I’m sure it raises a lot of eyebrows like why is the paint coming off this relatively new airplane. What’s up with that right And safety both and goes on to note that they did Some research into it looking at what was causing the paint to to lift often. They realized that the there’s some level of UV degradation between the primer system. So the and the and the composite structure so the composite structure comes out of the tool in its carbon fibre and resin system on it Typically the kind of scuff that up a little bit and then they apply a primer onto that primer bonds onto that resin rich surface. Then you’ve start putting Layers of paint and you get to the top coat that sticks straight so they had some sort of UV degradation going on which decrease the adhesion or the primer to the composite skin. Well Heck That’s really hard to pick up. Once airplanes painted. He’d be very hard to notice. Were that was so. You’re going to have to find out the hard way until the aircraft gets repainted. A one of my colleagues saw that notice commented a. How did they get that much damage on the wing skin unless it was just happened to be sitting out in the sunshine for quite a while and dean get properly Prepared before they put primer on. There’s some weird weird Uv thing whereas aircraft’s prime lot out on the on the ramp primed Was The UV light affecting the primer to the composite. Structure Watt sat outside waiting. You get topcoat on it That’s a good question. It didn’t really say that in the safety. Bring briefing but You know all these things revolve around at one point or another evolve around lightning protection right so It if you have a composite structure in a wing with fuel and seventy seven dollars late protection. There is something about the lightning prediction system. That’s affecting that. Also that’s the question mark in my head is. I wonder if it’s something about the way the lightning protection system on that aircraft affecting the paint adhesion. But it’s something to watch out for and I I know everybody that makes a composite structure right now. Strictly a wing as I’m sure thinking about do we have a same. Boeing does like in the eight hundred fifty eight three. We have a similar issue. Don’t know but industries go look. Yeah well if they hadn’t figured this out from from the suction cups would the pain of started appealing during flight. Like how? What are the implications? It seems saying stop. Stop putting the suction cups on them. Yup but otherwise. It’s probably okay. There’s different levels of adhesion right. It’s like a different levels of masking taper. So you can get cheap scotch tape you can get to masking tape and then you get to when we call it the states duct tape or the brand name where everybody’s right now is gorilla tape right. All the commercials are gorilla tape puts super sticky. And he’s just like that some of it sticks lately some of his six Marley. Well some of it really sticks and you it’s impossible to get off right So I don’t think I haven’t seen photographs of seventy seven’s with paint issues on the wing doesn’t mean they don’t exist but I do look around on. There’s a lot of photos taken of airplanes. Obviously so you would show up pretty easily. I think somebody would notice it so it must be the. Here’s enough that it sticking in flight but if you can’t scale it yeah yeah you put suction cups. Johnny put a three hundred pound person on it and pull. It may not stick. Yeah Gotcha well and especially if you’re say sliding off the plane and it catches that’s way more than three hundred pounds of force. That’s probably a couple thousand pounds of force. Just gang shocked impulse force. Yeah Yeah so yeah. It’s just pulling pulling right on it. Yeah yeah that makes sense well. That’s it for today. Allen Great.

00:35:01 – 00:35:36

Show appreciate you thanks, Dan covered a wide range of topics today And if you’re new to the show always check back we’re on itunes on spotify. We’re on youtube if you’re looking for short clips with That are topical so you WanNa learn just about paint you wanna learn just about different types of lightning protection or metal foils. If you wanna get a quick hit about metal foils. Check out our youtube channel ’cause we have lots of little clips that can help you get your quick knowledge bursts and be on your way Lastly subscribe and share with a friend. And we’ll catch you back here next week on the Struck podcast!


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